Reconstructions & Models
Experience everyday life in the Galilee, where Jesus, His family, and His followers lived. Sounds of people speaking Aramaic, natural scents and aromas, and authentic period relics combine with life-size reconstructions of buildings enhance the visitor’s sense of connection to this unique time and place.
Placed in unique reconstructions of their natural settings, the objects selected for the exhibition will bring to life all aspects of living in the Holy Land (Israel) in the first century, as well as the everyday experiences of Jesus, His family, and His followers.
Visitors can explore the home and living area, meal preparation, food storage, weaving, carpentry, and the family farm and livestock. They are introduced to Jewish dietary laws and laws of purification that Jesus and His family followed.
Visitors can also investigate the major sites of spiritual life of the people of the Galilee including the Synagogue, which was the site of prayer and Torah learning, and the ritual bath (Mikveh).